So many wonderful things happened this week leaving me feeling truly blessed for all that I have in my life. So that is what I chose to be my Word of the Week:
It all began right before the weekend when I found out that I was selected to co-host the Oh My Heartsie Girls Wordless Wednesday Link Party not only for a week but for the entire month of December! I was and am completely honored that Karren from Oh My Heartsie Girl chose me. It has been a lot of fun getting to know new bloggers and reading all of their posts. It is a lot of work but it doesn't really feel like work as I'm enjoying it so much it is just very time consuming but I finally figured out a schedule of sorts to make it a lot easier on me.
Then I discovered that I had won the Mommy Reality Challenge: Mom's Pet Peeve in which I was awarded the fabulous meme below and was asked to co-host the next challenge on December 12, which of course I agreed!
That was only the beginning, it gets even better! My Mom talked to Kenny and I over the weekend about getting my truck repaired by her mechanic as our Christmas gift. It has been eight month since it first failed the emissions test. That's right, eight months without a vehicle, oh man it really sucked! So on Monday we brought my truck in for the diagnostic test and was informed it would be $220 to have it repaired so Mom gave it the go ahead.
Well, the next day they called and said it would now be $550 because the problem was worse than they originally anticipated and my truck needed a brand new gas tank. Well, my Mom, being as amazing as she is agreed to the new price but stipulated it was not only our Christmas present but both of our Birthday presents next year. I happily agreed to those terms and yesterday it FINALLY passed emissions and I now have a vehicle once again! Yay Me! ;-)

Then, almost immediately after publishing my post to link up to the new Mommy Reality: What Mom Wants Needs for Christmas, my very good friend and neighbor, Laura, granted my Christmas wish by giving us her old clothes dryer (Pictured below) as she just had a new washer and dryer set delivered to her house! What luck and a great friend she is to me! So I had to add an update as to what my new want need was…click the link to see. Thank you again so very much Laura, as it is a relief to not have to hang up our clothes all over the house anymore like the Beverly Hillbilly's! ;-)

On Monday night my BESTEST friend and confidant, Rebecca, called me from Washington. You see she kept asking me a few nights before what I wanted for Christmas and I kept avoiding her question by changing the subject. Well, she told me how she found a new Christmas tree on sale for an absolute steal. I mentioned, only in conversation, that we also needed a new tree and how I am terribly allergic to real trees. (Talk about a bummer as I love the smell of a fresh Christmas tree.)
Well she called to inform me that a new 7 foot tall, pre-lit Christmas tree was on its way to our house (see the picture of it below. It's the actual tree from the Home Depot Web site just a little jazzed up by me). I was shocked when she told me it should be here no later than December 9, talk about a speedy delivery! I must admit that I was utterly and completely speechless, something that doesn't happen very often I might add, by her generous gift. It reminded me of one of the reasons I absolutely love her so very much...her incredibly large, loving, and caring heart!
Talk about feeling blessed. I have not only one amazing friend but two of them that did such selfless things for me this week. I appreciate you both and your gifts are so very much appreciated…thank you both for loving me!
Also, on Monday I hit a pretty big milestone, or at least I think it was, on my blog, Welcome to My Circus, by publishing my100th blog post as well as reaching over 10,000 pageviews! Woo Hoo and a great big Yay Me! I wanted to do something special for #100 and figured what better way than to share 7 Facts About Me, don't you agree? I would absolutely love it if you would read it and leave me a comment with an unknown fact about you!
Well that wraps up my past week and you are now up-to-date on what has occurred in my life. Please leave a comment telling me all about your week as I would love to know how it went. After all, there is nothing I love more than hearing from all of you!
Wishing you all a blessed week as well!
© 2014 Welcome to My Circus
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